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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Facebook For Musicians And Fans.

Facebook is the largest marketing channel for most musicians and bands. Surprisingly, it's also the one they know least about. In this entry I will break down why Facebook is important, how it works, and most importantly, the steps to make Facebook work for musicians and fans.
Musicians can't be blamed. Many musicians developed their social networking habits on Myspace, Twitter, or YouTube. These platforms are (or were) a lot more straightforward than Facebook. In most cases you post it, forget it, then maybe check the numbers later. Not only do these inattentive social media habits fail on Facebook, they can actually hurt musicians in a very quantitative way.P
Furthermore, Facebook largely ignored music for most of its existence. By the time Facebook introduced musician/band pages and musicians started amassing an audience there, these musicians got dropped into an unfamiliar, fully-formed social networking culture—without any sort of learning curve, burdened with the behavioral baggages of outdated social networks.
But Facebook is really not that hard, and if done right, you have a lot to gain. By numbers alone, there are more people that regularly sign into Facebook than Twitter + Myspace + YouTube combined. It's really important now more than ever to optimize your Facebook presence.

Photos, Photos, Photos: Photos do well on facebook. Always consider a good and relevant image upload to accompany a status update. This one tactic alone can multiply your distribution, so be generous with the photo uploads. If possible, orient a photo in a square or portrait alignment (more engagement since it doesn't get cropped in the news feed.) But don't worry too much about it—a good landscape-oriented photo is better than no photo at all.
Geo-targeting: Does it makes sense to geo target? You can geo-target posts by city, state, provinces, or country. Geo-targeted posts usually reach a higher percentage of fans in the targeted location. Consider geo-targeting for tour dates, radio support, local appearances, etc.Tip: Are you geo-targeting a post to an international country? Post in their language. Seriously, you will get a ridiculously good engagement % from this.
Say More With Less: Shorter posts generally do well, so keep it snappy. Exceptions: heartfelt, substantial, personal, emotional, soul-baring, or narrative posts. Avoid being too self-promotional. Promote it gently. Be funny! Be surprising! Be authentic! Show personality! Dance on the line of what's acceptable or not. If you can elicit a guttural respons, you're more likely to get engagement.
Interact With Fans: Spend a few moments after posting interacting with fans who leave comments on your status update. Like their comments, and respond to them in your own comment box. As your fans see likes and comments coming from your page, they're a lot more likely to leave a comment & vote elsewhere as simply as that in the hope that you might see their comment. Plus, it's an easy and quick way to make your fans' day. Questions can work well. Try ending any given status update with a question that directly relates to your post. It can help jump start the commenting.P

Celebrate: Holidays are the ultimate zeitgeist moments; they are a great opportunity to engage with your fans. Put up holiday-themed posts on the day of, including unofficial ones like Valentines day, Mother's/Father's day, Halloween, etc.P
Say It With a Lyric: Are you a lyrical musician? Spell out your own lyrics in a status update, especially if it's relevant to whatever else you're pushing in the status update (links, videos, pics, etc.). Your lyrics are akin to a secret code language with your fans, especially if they've already emotionally connected with your words in song. Fans like that. Format lyrics to imply that they are indeed lyrics. And make it easy on the eyes, make it flow like the cadence of the song. The quicker the fan can recognize the lyrics, the quicker they will "like" the post.
In-Line Previews: Are links properly displaying in-line preview? You can adjust the image and description in the in-line preview before you post. Make edits as necessary.
Pins and Highlights: Pinning moves a post to the top wall. To pin a post, click the pencil icon that shows up when you mouse to the upper right-hand corner. Highlighting expands a post across the full width of the wall. To highlight a post, click the star icon that appears when you move your mouse to the upper right-hand corner of any post.P
The Psychology of Click-throughs: Oftentimes your main objective in posting a given status update is to get click-throughs on a link. In this situation, you still want to write to maximize engagement because that gets you distribution. But you need to mind the goal of getting click-throughs as well. To that end, write a message that gives your fans a really good, direct reason to click through. Think like a fan, make them want it. Think of how the most trafficked bloggers use headlines to lure their audience to click through: oftentimes they'll tease you into clicking through to the full article. They'll appeal to your sense of surprise, novelty or exclusivity. For example, a lot of them use the tactic of priming your curiosity, holding back key info to compel you to click-through to satisfy your itch.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Beatles Were No Accident

During the 1950's and early 60's, there were countless "do wop" groups, rock groups, singers and songwriters but until The Beatles hit the charts, there had been very few bands which contained talented songwriters. The vast majority of jazz and rock bands recorded songs written by songwriters who were not performers, with occasional exceptions like Duke Ellington and Buddy Holly. As time goes on, it's increasingly clear that Lennon/McCartney songs are brilliant classics which will never be forgotten. Now here's why The Beatles are the most creative band of all time:
As I sit here writing this at the keyboard of my computer facing a unique and colorful framed Beatles poster in my bedroom, I'm aware that I have been directly and indirectly inspired by John Lennon's music as well as by the way he lived his life offstage. Squarely in front of me is a full color poster of all four Beatles standing in a heavenly-like flower garden at about the time of the Abbey Road album. Paul is angelic in his pink suit with a white laced shirt. John is enigmatic peering out from the background. George is charismatic staring directly into the camera from the lower right. Ringo is on the left with a stylish blue suit and his pink ruffled shirt. I always wished I could dress like those guys but obviously there's a bit of a problem with a money differential there. Surrounding this gorgeous poster which I have never seen elsewhere are my 45 speed original Beatles hit records, including I Want to Hold Your Hand, She Loves You, Please Please Me, Twist and Shout, Can't Buy Me Love, She's A Woman, Yesterday, and of course, Hey Jude. And surrounding all that is a chain of 1-1/2" long orange flicker flame lights which are the most beautiful and unique Christmas lights I've ever seen. I chose to decorate the wall directly in front of my work station this way because, as I've written elsewhere on this site several times, the Beatles were my major musical influence and having them on the wall in front of me inspires me to write web pages like this one. I was also among the millions of people who were inspired by how The Beatles were actually living their off stage lives. The Beatles' music creatively stimulated millions of people to change the way they were living, and The Beatles behavior encouraged people to have fun by trying new life style experiences. That's what I call a perfect example of FORM = CONTENT. In this case it means that the creatively and masterfully varied music The Beatles were producing (form) embodied the real life styles which each of the four Beatles were living (content), together as a band as well as separately as unique individuals.
This should be self-evident, but just because Paul McCartney has the title of the most popular songwriter in history doesn't necessarily make him the best songwriter in history. The qualities which do make both Paul and John the best songwriters in history go beyond writing the greatest number of catchy classic songs. "Catchy" means that their melodies and lyrics are instantly memorable. "Classic" means that they stand the test of time. But both Paul and John wrote very sophisticated melodies that moved beyond the simple groups of 2, 4 and 8 patterned phrases used by almost all other songwriters. John and Paul's melodies soared, floated, cascaded, dived and peaked with true dynamics, naturally following the syllabic lyric patterns - but not always. Sometimes the melodic and lyric patterns were independent of each other, almost counterpoint in nature, and as a songwriter, they never ceased to astonish me with their brilliance and originality. In the beginning, their lyrics were simple and their songs were simple love songs. But they soon began exploring new territory by writing about subjects that hadn't been covered before. Inspired by Bob Dylan, they wrote true poetry with feeling and depth, using evocative and unusual words. Rubber Soul marked the beginning of their evolution as mature songwriters, Revolver was a break-out album, and Sergeant Pepper was an historic landmark album in terms of new and innovative songwriting as well as production. Every song they wrote was significantly different from the last one even though each song had their unmistakable sound.
Most songwriters are only average players on their instruments, but John and Paul are both sophisticated guitarists who were able to integrate their playing into their songs and even into their song structure so that the "licks" they played became as catchy a part of their songs as the choruses and verses. Blackbird and Dear Prudence are only two examples of songs which couldn't possibly be written by any other songwriter because of the guitar playing which forms an integral part of the song structure. In similar fashion, Lady Madonna is the best example of a great song which derives from the unique and beautiful bass part which only Paul could possibly have created.
Average songwriters achieve the catchy quality by repeating a phrase endlessly or by beating a chorus to death. John and Paul found countless ways to be memorable without ever overly repeating something. The only time they repeated something over and over again for a long time was in Hey Jude, and what they chose to repeat is so gorgeous that one can only wish they had never ended the song. The Beatles were my biggest musical influence and I used to think, "If I could write just one song that's as good as John and Paul's worst song, I'd be happy." People tell me I accomplished that goal and they say one good example is John is Alive, which is my sincere tribute to Sir Lennon.
Even Ringo could sing when he got a little help from his friends who lived in the yellow submarine. But to say that Paul and John are two of the best singers in rock and roll is to state the obvious. Combining John, Paul and George created the best harmony vocals the world has ever experienced. Even their two part harmonies were unusual, catching us all by surprise on their first hit record with the fast harmony melisma in the chorus of I Want to Hold Your Hand. John had a knack of placing a unique low harmony line underneath Paul's high melody line so as to form a second melody which created unusual harmony effects. He did that right from the beginning in the verses of She Loves You. Both Paul and John could blast out screaming rock and roll (i.e. Long Tall Sally and Twist and Shout), and both could break our hearts with touching, deep feeling ballads (i.e. Yesterday and Julia). There seems to be no end to their emotional vocal range, and John even explored the heights of vocal psychedelia in songs like She Said (Revolver) and Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.
Paul brought a new style of melodic playing to the bass guitar, reaching a new high of creativity on Sergeant Pepper with a level of sophistication never heard before. Many other musicians besides me recognize Paul as being one of the best bass guitar players ever. George is underrated as a lead guitarist by people with average or below average musical knowledge or ability, but most guitarists (including Eric Clapton) know better. George's strength is in melody, pure and simple. It would be difficult to find a George Harrison lead which is not melodic, and each of his leads has a strong beginning, a stronger middle and a well defined ending. In fact, that's Eric's definition of what makes a good guitar lead. George continually developed new guitar sounds for each Beatles song. John and Paul are also excellent guitarists and both recorded great leads as well as innovative rhythm tracks. All three of the Beatles guitarists may lack showy technical fireworks but they make that definition of guitar mastery irrelevant by overwhelming the senses with creativity, style, and pure melody. The exact same thing can be said about John and Paul's keyboard playing. Ringo may be underrated as a drummer by the public but he is not underrated by other professional drummers. Ringo mastered the art of drum sounds. No drummer has ever recorded so many different sounds on so many different sounding records. Ringo invented a new style of slow drum playing, epitomized on A Day in the Life and Strawberry Fields Forever. John said many times, "Ringo has the best back beat in the business" and the successful studio drummers understand why John was correct.
A good definition of charisma needs to include "an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion" and "a personal attractiveness which enables a person to influence others". No musical group prior to or after The Beatles features true charisma emanating strongly from the entire group as well as separately from each member. The Beatles stunned the world with their photogenic quality, their charm, their bubbling and lovable personalities, their cuteness and their unique style. Even before The Beatles achieved fame, people in Liverpool were imitating their haircuts, the way they dressed, the way they behaved, and the way they lived. Such a simple subliminal message about smoking marijuana got communicated to all the hippies who were waiting to happen without actual words ever being spoken. The Beatles had a lot to lose by being explicit on that subject, but they successfully avoided trouble by keeping it very subtle while at the same time clear enough so that we all got it. The Fab Four kept changing their styles rapidly, almost with each album cover, and soon the message became one of explicit spiritualism. After visiting India, The Beatles introduced eastern mysticism and meditation to the Western world for the first time through the mass media. John's long saga with internal angst, drugs, spiritualism, politics, personal battles, and ultimately his marriage to Yoko played out like a movie the whole world got to watch in fascination. Paul's happy life with Linda, George's great focus on meditation, and Ringo's equanimity throughout were all perfect examples of the power, the truth, and the effectiveness of true charisma.
Need I say it? Ask the millions of girls who were screaming and fainting at the very sight of them. "The Boys" didn't move like Elvis or dance like Mick, they just stood there shaking their "mop top" heads around, smiling, laughing, and looking gorgeous as they performed great music and that was it. On their first visit to America, some enterprising weirdo from New York City managed to cut up the hotel bed sheets The Beatles had slept on into 1" square pieces, and these things were actually sold to girls over the public airwaves by adult DJ's on the AM radio stations who should have known better. The Beatles phenomenon went way beyond the rock and roll sex star status that had been seen before. Teenage girls in uncountable numbers fell in love, their hearts to be trapped, their heart strings to be continually plucked, and ultimately, their hearts to be broken by the unobtainable object of their love. Worshiping a star from afar? Infatuation? Obsession? Not real love? For many of them, it was their first experience feeling love for a man/boy. Whatever it was, it was very real to all of them, and we all soon understood that The Beatles were The Real Thing.
That's why I call The Beatles the Most Creative Band of All Time. They were The Real Thing. The Creative Zenith. The high point on the bell curve of musical history.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Turn Your Music Fans Into Buyers

The purpose of this blog entry is to assist independent musicians with promoting their music and how to convert followers into customers without pleading.

From the outside you look like a very successful independent musician. You're getting a lot of visitors on your website, Twitter and Facebook. You've got enough 'friends' to start your own fairly large city. Everyone is raving about your music. You're being played on Internet radio stations worldwide. So why aren't you making boatloads of money?
Here are several thoughts, questions and suggestions that will help you find the best ways to get your fans to buy your music and attend your shows:
  1. Visits to your website or social network page are not equal to fans. Stick around long enough and you'll amass visitors organically. 'Friends' are also not the same as real fans if they have never even listened to your music. Find and cater to those people in the masses who really love you and your music -- the ones who actually mention individual songs or who reply to your comments. You may want to work to get a few people to spend a lot of money each, rather than a lot of people trickling in a few cents here and there. It will add up quickly.
  2. There is an enormous amount of competition out there. What are you doing to keep people on your website or social network page long enough to make that crucial buying decision? 30- or 60-second samples of your songs often won't do the trick. Stagnant pictures are often not enough. However, 
    videos of you performing, being interviewed, living life off stage, for example, are all ways to keep people glued to your page or website. Interesting blogs, contests etc. can also do the trick.
  3. Do you know who your fans really are? Do they have money? Is it disposable as others, especially when the economy is depressed. 
  4. Do you cater to a demographic that buys music online? Some demographics are known to purchase a lot of music online, while others still prefer CDs. Some purchase a lot of ringtones, while others do not. Know your fans and their buying habits.
  5. Do you make it easy for your fans to purchase your music? Is there a link on every one of your social network pages and on your website to purchase music on the spot, or do they have hunt to try to find your music on another website to buy it?
  6. Where are your most ardent fans? If you know this, you can set up your tours to coincide with where your largest and most dedicated fan bases are. You can learn this with surveys and other fan-tracking widgets. Be sure to collect zip codes when your fans sign up for your newsletter, so that you can specifically market to them when you're going to be performing in their region.
  7. People can listen to music for free all day long. Many are used to not paying for it. So, are you giving them a reason to buy your music? For example, does buying your music enter them in a contest for a grand prize? If they order your CD can they buy an autographed picture, or a t-shirt for 1/2 price? How about offering a couple of free downloads if they buy your CD. You need to convince them that it is worth both their time and money to take their credit card out and spend their hard earned money on your music. Always give them more value than they are paying for!
  8. Are you building relationships with your fans, or are they just numbers to you? Do you have a newsletter that you send out monthly to your fans? Do they know more about you than just what you sound like? Are your communications robot-like, or do you actually carry on a dialogue with your fans? Do you have candid videos or photos or is everything 'professional'? Fans want to get to know you. They want to feel like an 'insider' -- a real friend -- not just another email address.
  9. Are you touring? People love to buy music from acts that they have seen. They buy a reminder of the experience. Touring helps you create a buzz! This is especially true if you perform a lot in just a few select regions rather than scattered all over. By returning to regions every few months, you give your new fans a chance to show off their 'find' and bring their friends to see you. The cycle repeats itself each time you return, to the point where eventually you have enough fans in each area to move up to bigger and higher-paying venues!
  10. Are you giving people reasons to buy now rather than later? For example, can you offer a limited pressing of a CD? An example would be, "We are only selling 500 copies of this CD with this cover and an autographed insert." There's a reason why infomercials have that famous line... "Order in the next 10 minutes and you'll also get___"
  11. Is your music priced to sell? Would you rather sell 5,000 CDs at $10 each and make $50,000, or 1000 CDs at $15 and make $15,000? Do you want 200 people to buy a $10 ticket to your show to clear $2,000, or 50 people to buy a $25 ticket to clear $1,250? Remember that 200 fans at a show will enable you to sell 4 times the CDs and merchandise after the show! Know what your fans are willing and able to pay.
  12. Are you creating anticipation in advance for your new music, or are you just putting it out there when the recording is done? Are you counting on your 'friends' to return to your site on their own to see if you're released new music, or are you driving them there to hear something they've been anxiously waiting for? Are you feeding them 'sneak peaks' of your newest music? There is a reason why you see commercials for movies that won't be in theaters for another month. It's all about building the excitement and anticipation.
The bottom line is that there are thousands of independent musicians trying to sell their music to the same people you are. Your job is to give your fans a reason to buy your music and merchandise instead of or in addition to someone else's. Get creative. Engage them enough that they want to take something with them when they leave your gig or website!
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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Networking For Independent Musicians

If you are an independent musician, then I know that coming up with great music promotion ideas is one of your main goals. Gone are the days where rappers, musicians and artists have to rely solely on record deals to make the big bucks, in fact who the heck wants to right? With the rise of "The New Music Industry" the possibilities of success are literally limitless.
One of the most effective ways to market yourself and your music is through social networking sites as well as having your own website. But, the trick is driving traffic to those sites and social network profile pages. Fortunately, through the use of search engine optimization, this is not an impossible music task and if you (and other band members) are covering all bases, so to speak, then S.E.O. is verging on unnecessary. Using strategically placed words, phrases and title tags throughout your site will definitely help you to achieve these results. Get your link out there. Post it on your MySpace page, your Twitter profile pages, your friend's pages and exchange it with others.
Another way to achieve this is by placing your music for sale on sites that cater to independent artists trying to maximize their online exposure. For example sites like CDBaby, TuneCore and Even Amazon are great for this. My favourite, however, (for digital downloads) is Bandcamp. No up-front cost & YOU name the price of your album or single. I highly recommend checking Bandcamp out. These sites list your CDs for sale and end up giving you a pretty fat chunk of the profits. This is a relatively new music promotion idea but quite a few artists are reaping the benefits. Remember, this is in addition to offering your music for sale on your own site.
When making your CDs, include a barcode on the package. This way, you can offer local music stores the opportunity to sell your album. Local music stores tend to be particularly favorable to Indie musicians from their area. In addition to music stores, contact non music stores and retail outlets as well. I know one band in our area that has their music for sale in Starbucks and they sell a good amount of music ever day. So be creative with this stuff, independent music promotion doesn't have to be difficult, you just need creativity and the drive to succeed.

Whist talking of things creative, I jumped into the deep end of mobile music apps. They took a lot less know-how than I expected and helped push my name up the Google search page no end. Once I had as many varied apps (and not always music-based) that I thought sufficient, I was unsure of 'how' to market them. His advice was simple. Begin with making free apps visible in as many places as possible, remembering to tell folks that there was an expiry date. Shortly before the 'free' apps had served their purpose, I launched and promoted my 'paid apps' in the same way that I do with my music. Due to the nature of the mobile work, the initial sales of paid downloads is a drop in the ocean. It's the content that lies within the app. Music, blogs, news, photo's, video, etc.
You should also look into getting a
Facebook 'Page' page if you don't already have one. Facebook Pages are a powerful tool for unsigned artists and independent music promotion. You gain maximum exposure and it will cost you absolutely nothing at all. You can't beat that!
Another crucial thing to do is to simply include your web address on every piece of material that goes out. This will ensure people get the word out about your site. Your website will be your connection to the world around you. Keep it current and up to date, no matter what. The easiest way that I find is to keep my site 'dynamic' by having a blog. Keep it interesting and constantly changing. No one wants to constantly visit a boring site that always has the same images, info and music on it.
I made light of it at the beginning of this article, but if your ultimate goal is to get signed then with hard work and dedication it will happen, but you have to show the labels that you are serious. Implement the above techniques into your online music promotion routine and you will be on the track to raking in profits and hopefully fame and fortune! Keep in mind that you are always learning. Don't be afraid to seek help for problem areas but most importantly, stay extremely positive!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't Be A Martyr To Mobiles

When we talk about phone then instantly Android come in our mind, and we know that Android platform is growing at a hasty rate worldwide. Several updated phone coming with Android platform. More than 500K android apps for over 500 android devices have flooded by android market. To make Android market more popular Android Application are free for everyone, he/she can download from numerous website. Millions of free apps been downloaded daily by Android user.
Have you thought if you got the chance to develop Android application of your choice and your interest seems cool, I am suggesting 5 easy sites that will help you to create your own Android apps for free in few minutes.
Sites To Create Your Own Android Apps for Free
1. Free Android App Maker
Free Android App Maker is one of the best free utility to create an android application. Here one can submit Android application at app store in just few minutes. Android App Maker make easy to create an app of your own. There are some easy steps in making first of all you have to choose a template then add your content (text) of your choice and even pictures. Finally you have to submit your application for review. Here you have many free layouts/templates to customize and easily edit your Android application of your choice.
Once your application gets shortlisted and accepted then you can download it from Play Store. Otherwise it will be only downloaded from own site
2. Android 3 Apps
 Android 3 Apps is another free utility to create an android application for your Android gadgets of your choice. It has three simple steps to make Android application. First of all you have to choose an app then customize your content (text) of your choice and even pictures. Finally share it. This site provide many types of preloaded categories like Trivia Game, Photo Gallery App, E-Book App which allows you easily create a perfect application according to your requirements. Android 3 Apps also provide application like Radio Station, Band Music Apps, Quotes and jokes, Slider puzzles, Choice Games, Quiz Games, Truth or Dare, True or false, Question App, Video Player, Web Photo Portfolio, Android Website builder, Blank App Templates which can be used. Android 3 Apps will make easy to develop Android Apps as per the requirement.
3. Apps Geyser
Apps Geyser is a free service provider, which help you to convert your application and make money through it. It has more than 118,602,408 installed application, more than 260,193 created application and more than 3,610,134,404 ads served. By using Apps Geyser one can create an application in simple steps. Click on create button here you have different option like website (Enter URL), HTML Code Create or Paste HTML) and
YouTube Videos, Enter keywords or use Channel URL and many more and then distribute it. Apps Geyser gives you facility to make ad-supported apps and make money through that. It has also a unique feature that make if different through other service provider that is sharing features, sharing of your apps to all major social network. Supporting of HTML 5 to display pop-up notification like deal of the day or some important announcement to the users. So by seeing all features of Apps Geyser I can say that it offers creation, monetization, management of your android app.
4. App Yet
 App Yet helps to create apps for website. App Yet helps you toconvert RSS feeds into an android application for Android OS. Here you have the freedom to list/sell created application on Market(s) or earn money through advertising. Using App yet you can turn a website or blog into application and share it with your friend anywhere in globe.
5. Andromo
Andromo gives you a fabulous platform to create professional apps for you. All type of business can be promoted share even can be used to discuss a new project. Very few mouse clicks is enough to make an apps and generate money through adding advertise to those apps. Apps can contain interactive photo galleries, blog/news feeds, maps, mobile websites, YouTube videos and even more. You can generate money by selling your application to Play Store using Andromo.
; So these 5 website are vey useful who try to do something new and have the creativity or for Android lover. You need some knowledge of HTML or Java, than you can make application of yours for your Android.
I hope these stuffs on Sites To Create Your Own Android Application for Free will help you making your own Android apps and share to your friend and entire world & most important making money through Android Apps.
When we talk about phone then instantly Android come in our mind, and we know that Android platform is growing at a hasty rate worldwide. Several updated phone coming with Android platform. More than 500K android apps for over 500 android devices have flooded by android market. To make Android market more popular Android apps are free for everyone, he/she can download from numerous website. Millions of free apps been downloaded daily by Android user.
Have you thought if you got the chance to develop Android apps of your choice and your interest seems cool, I am suggesting 5 easy sites that will help you to create your own Android apps for free in few minutes.

My personal favourite is 'AppsmakerStore.' Admittedly there is a free plan but for $9.00 (USA) the monthly fee is a small price to pay for it's ability to reach current supporters and a fantastic way for attracting new followers, particularly if you organise it exactly to your needs & also to the needs of your followers whilst maintaining it as a free download for them. If you wish to make your mobile device, then I highly recommend submitting it to 'Google Play.' If you do, your app. must provide EVERYTHING that your supporters want.
If you are unsure of what app format, content, , etc &  wish to enquire further, simply click here. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Android Over iPhone

The competition in the smartphone world these days is between phones running on Android and those manufactured by the Apple. Instead of betting on the side of Apple, the world's renowned smartphone maker, developers seem to not care about it; thereby deciding to bet on the green side of Google's Android. This should be one of your considerations when you are contemplating selling your old smartphone. Should you stay with a smartphone or should you switch to an iPhone?
But before you go ahead and made a decision, here's a brief overview of Android for those who are used to iPhones.
What is Android? It just happens to be the world's most popular mobile platform. Android is an operating system created by Google to run on mobile devices. Each version is named after a type of sugary sweet food (for example, the latest version of their OS is the Ice Cream Sandwich). It is based on Linux and is the main competitor of iOS on the market.
The Android is an open source OS, meaning that many companies have created handsets running on Android and resell them for free if they wish. In fact, a majority of mobile devices these days run on Android. Samsung, HTC, and Sony Ericsson are just some of the manufacturers of smartphones that run on Android technology. Used by numerous smartphones, such as the G1, Droid, and Nexus One, Android is open source, meaning it is not linked to a particular cell phone manufacturer or service provider.
The Android OS also supports third-party apps, which are often downloaded from the Android Market, Google's online software store,
which has been renamed Google Play. As of the moment, Google Play, despite being used by more people for more gadgets, seems to have fewer apps, not to mention that in certain areas, its functionalities are fewer. For example, in Asia and South America, only apps are available, meaning an Android user can source music, eBooks, and video files elsewhere. In the iTunes store, any iPhone user anywhere in the world can buy anything from it, as long as you have an iTunes account. If you are a traveller or love to stay overseas for long periods, you may want to consider this in deciding whether or not to sell your used smartphone and switch to an iPhone or not.
What It Does?
Android powers millions of phones, tablets, and other devices and brings the power of Google and the web within your reach.
By having an amazingly fast browser, multi-tasking capabilities, more convenient ways to connect and share, cloud sync, and the most common Google apps (and thousands of other apps available on the Android Market) your Android powered device
is way more than just being 'smart.'
According to Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, "Android is going to be attracting the lion's share of developer interest over the next six months, with developers preferring to create apps for Android's Ice Cream Sandwich rather than Apple's iOS. "
With all of Android's promise, the iPhone is finally paying attention to Android as a serious contender. What's behind the seemingly magical allure of the iPhone? Your guess is as good as mine, but if you are excited to get cash for used smartphones, there's never been a better time than now. Explore the possibilities and you'll never be sorry.

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