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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Accidental Affirmation

Living things vibrate. The quality and rate of the vibration may vary, but the fact of the vibration is sure. Your language and thoughts vibrate, too. When your language and thoughts match the vibration of what you want to create in life, those things can be expected to arrive. When you dwell on those things that frustrate and disappoint you, that "dwelling" is bringing you into alignment with their vibration instead. It becomes an "accidental affirmation."
* More than anything, Charlene said that she wanted to lose weight. Of course there were other things she wanted, too. A partner, better health, less body pain. But she attributed her loneliness and health problems to being overweight. What was the common theme running through her mind throughout the day? "I've gotta lose weight. I'm so lonely! Why can't I find a partner?"
Can you find the accidental affirmations? Charlene is focused on weight, loneliness, and the conviction that she cannot find the partner she wants. What's showing up in her life? Weight, loneliness, and no partner.
Let's help her out. How do you think Charlene's life might change if her affirmation switched to something like this: "My body and my life get lighter every day. I'm so happy being me!"
* Dan was so frustrated. First off, his back was killing him. Add to that his money problems and the fact that most of his relatives weren't speaking to one another and he'd had a heck of a week. What kept playing itself in the back of his head? "Man, this pain is getting to me. How am I gonna pay the bills this month? Why can't everyone just get along?"
Let's look for the accidental affirmations. Dan is focused on his back pain, a big pile of bills, and his stated belief that his family cannot get along. What's showing up in his life? Pain, bills, and family strife.
How might Dan flip his affirmation? "My family and my body heal easily, a little more every day. We have plenty of resources to meet our needs."
* Little Calvin just didn't know what else to try. His first grade teacher was so mean! She told him to do good work, so he did his best. Then she told him to work faster. How can he do his best work when she's so mean about the deadlines? The teacher must be stupid. Either that or he is stupid. Ohhhh.
What's going through little Calvin's mind all day? "Boy, I hate this place. My teacher is mean. She thinks I'm stupid. Maybe I really am."
You should be getting pretty good at this by now. What are little Calvin's accidental affirmations? "I hate school, the grown-ups here are mean, I must be stupid." What keeps showing up in his life? Confusion; dislike of school, learning, and teachers; the belief that it's all hopeless anyway because he's probably just too stupid to do well.
What can we do for Calvin? How do you think he'd do with something like this? "I'm smart enough to do a good job quickly. It's fun to learn new things!"
So enough about all of them. Let's go ahead and apply this to you:
* What regularly goes through your head?
* What are your accidental affirmations?
* What's showing up in your life right now as a result?
Finally, take a moment to consider whether or not you're producing the results you want in your life at the moment. If so, hurray -- keep it up! If not, how could you change the message to match the outcome you would prefer?

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