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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Accidentally Academic

In a perfect world,
school curriculum would include interesting, relevant and useful lessons that would inspire students to learn, develop and seek more education.
But, alas, we live on Earth where perfect exists only in our imagination. As anyone who has ever been to school knows, a lot of what's taught there is boring, irrelevant and useless.
The result? Kids hate school. They hate it so much they quit. A recent report from the United States, it was revealed that 7,000 kids drop out of school each day. That's one every nine seconds. One out of four American high school freshmen won't graduate with his or her class. When you consider their frustration with our flawed educational system, it's understandable.
Understandable but still regrettable. Because as twisted and irrational as school can be, it's still good. It's still important. It's still valuable. Getting a diploma and getting a degree will always be better than not getting it.
The reason, although easy to understand, is just not communicated to kids as much as it should be - that battling their way through our imperfect schools inadvertently prepares them to battle their way around our imperfect planet.
Obviously, schools won't promote this. "As bad as we may be, stick it out because we're preparing you for reality." Yet it's true. Education, sometimes in spite of itself, works. For example, it reinforces Darwin's major point: Adapt or die! Our less than ideal schools unintentionally teach students how to adapt in four ways:
1. Successful students learn how to adapt to different teachers with different styles, different rules and different expectations. Over the course of their school-age years, kids will be exposed to great, good, fair and poor teachers. Learning to cope with the weak ones may, ultimately, teach them more than what they learn from the strong ones. It's the Knight effect. Legendary (and controversial) basketball coach Bobby Knight was so difficult to play for that, after dealing with him, his players could work with anyone.
2. Smart students adapt to their classmates. In our public schools, kids are randomly thrown together into incredibly diverse clusters. I'm always amazed at how well my socially successful students adjust to the idiosyncratic propensities of their peers. Again, perfect classmates are nice, but learning how to deal with the exasperating ones may spur more growth.
3. Strong all-around students - and, right or wrong, kids can't get into college without being sound in all subjects - must adapt to their different courses' requirements. Some kids are math/science kids. Others are English/social science kids. But the best students are industrious, and that enables them to adapt and make the grade in any class, from art to P.E.
4. Tough students gut it out and adapt to the lousy physical conditions in which they're supposed to learn. They have to endure uncomfortable chairs in crowded, too hot or too cold classrooms. Too often, their bathrooms are disgusting and their campuses are ugly. The working conditions at most fast food restaurants are better than the learning conditions at most public schools.
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Accidental Affirmation

Living things vibrate. The quality and rate of the vibration may vary, but the fact of the vibration is sure. Your language and thoughts vibrate, too. When your language and thoughts match the vibration of what you want to create in life, those things can be expected to arrive. When you dwell on those things that frustrate and disappoint you, that "dwelling" is bringing you into alignment with their vibration instead. It becomes an "accidental affirmation."
* More than anything, Charlene said that she wanted to lose weight. Of course there were other things she wanted, too. A partner, better health, less body pain. But she attributed her loneliness and health problems to being overweight. What was the common theme running through her mind throughout the day? "I've gotta lose weight. I'm so lonely! Why can't I find a partner?"
Can you find the accidental affirmations? Charlene is focused on weight, loneliness, and the conviction that she cannot find the partner she wants. What's showing up in her life? Weight, loneliness, and no partner.
Let's help her out. How do you think Charlene's life might change if her affirmation switched to something like this: "My body and my life get lighter every day. I'm so happy being me!"
* Dan was so frustrated. First off, his back was killing him. Add to that his money problems and the fact that most of his relatives weren't speaking to one another and he'd had a heck of a week. What kept playing itself in the back of his head? "Man, this pain is getting to me. How am I gonna pay the bills this month? Why can't everyone just get along?"
Let's look for the accidental affirmations. Dan is focused on his back pain, a big pile of bills, and his stated belief that his family cannot get along. What's showing up in his life? Pain, bills, and family strife.
How might Dan flip his affirmation? "My family and my body heal easily, a little more every day. We have plenty of resources to meet our needs."
* Little Calvin just didn't know what else to try. His first grade teacher was so mean! She told him to do good work, so he did his best. Then she told him to work faster. How can he do his best work when she's so mean about the deadlines? The teacher must be stupid. Either that or he is stupid. Ohhhh.
What's going through little Calvin's mind all day? "Boy, I hate this place. My teacher is mean. She thinks I'm stupid. Maybe I really am."
You should be getting pretty good at this by now. What are little Calvin's accidental affirmations? "I hate school, the grown-ups here are mean, I must be stupid." What keeps showing up in his life? Confusion; dislike of school, learning, and teachers; the belief that it's all hopeless anyway because he's probably just too stupid to do well.
What can we do for Calvin? How do you think he'd do with something like this? "I'm smart enough to do a good job quickly. It's fun to learn new things!"
So enough about all of them. Let's go ahead and apply this to you:
* What regularly goes through your head?
* What are your accidental affirmations?
* What's showing up in your life right now as a result?
Finally, take a moment to consider whether or not you're producing the results you want in your life at the moment. If so, hurray -- keep it up! If not, how could you change the message to match the outcome you would prefer?

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Create An Online Advertising Agency

Prospects of creation of online advertising agencies are becoming brighter with the spread of internet and thrust on going green. This is one of the numerous online jobs that can be started from the confines of one's home. Traditionally, most advertising has been done through paper. There is now a definite shift to more and more online advertising.

Persons with copywriting and designing skills have got a tremendous opportunity to venture out in this exciting career. With online advertising, you don't need too much of an investment and elaborate infrastructure. If you have can imagine things and design proper ads, you have got an interesting internet business at hand.
Every business needs advertising. There is vast scope for tapping the needs of businesses that are yet to benefit from the benefits of internet advertising. Facebook springs to mind immediately. With the right tools (which are very cheap these days), advertising costs of businesses have gone considerably down. This has made it affordable for small and medium businesses to advertise. With this tool, they can not only save costs but also reach a wider audience.
If businesses have to survive, they need to advertise. Many businesses which had been relying solely on newspaper advertising, have seen the benefits of internet advertising and they have been shifting their offline advertising budget.
Businesses need advertising for various reasons like increasing sales, introducing new products, creating brand image or generating online traffic to a website. Achieving these objectives is necessary for the survival of any business. Without proper advertising, it is not possible to achieve any of these.
Not only that existing big and small businesses want to reap the benefits of internet advertising, even businesses that have not been doing any advertising have to tap the internet in order to achieve their goals. The result is increased internet advertising.

The thrust of web based advertising can be both local as well as international. Online advertisements can be tailored to both the types of internet marketing. Online advertising makes it possible to suitably modify advertising any time according to circumstances and new developments without incurring any extra costs.
Another major advantage of this is that you can measure the impact of advertising at short notice. This makes it possible to change the thrust of advertising within minutes. This way a business can always do trial and error till one is satisfied with the results. All this can be done without incurring heavy costs and wastage.
Numerous benefits of web advertising make it possible for any one to create an advertising agency and provide advertising services to businesses. For a budding agency, small businesses that have not tapped internet so far are the obvious choice to start with.
An advertising agency has vast scope. With more and more businesses going online and new businesses coming up, the potential of web advertising has only to go up. At a time when world economies are passing through recession, setting up of an internet advertising agency will be the right thing to do.
Online commercial advertising can be done through various means like online newspapers and other publications, AdWords, writing, press releases etc. Persons opening advertising agencies have to be conversant with different techniques of internet marketing.
Among several other requirements of this type of online job, is knowledge of graphic designing, writing, industry competition, knowledge about other markets etc.
If you can demonstrate your impact of advertising, your business is all but to go up.
Online agency provides a vast scope in making money online and earning decent incomes. This is an exciting online job and can withstand downturns.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Home Business Ideas

Are there secret home business ideas that will help you to earn money? Of course there are, however, the secrets are not as mystical or as shrouded in darkness as many would have you believe. The real secrets to make money from home business ideas are sometimes as simple as following the advice of the professionals who have accomplished exactly what you desire to do.

The stark reality is that real secret business ideas are usually nothing more than things you have not tried or learned yet. Moreover, the true secret is knowing what works and what does not in your quest to earn cash online.If you want to know the 'secrets' to a successful home business ideas, you will need to listen to the professionals in the home based business world in order to learn how to make money.

One of the things you rarely hear an Internet Marketer tell you is how you need to find a good niche for your online business, before you start out. In other words, the best home business idea to earn quick cash is to first determine what it is you want to do. Just like in the brick and mortar world of business, you want to start a business after you decide on a product.

This fundamental home business idea will lead you in the right direction as far as having a defined plan on which to build your business. Many people, when they start out, fail to qualify their quest to make money online by not using this real secret to success.

In order to get results and to make money in your own Internet business, follow these two important pieces of information. Call them secrets to home business ideas, if you like; however they really are true common sense approaches to success. First, define a product or niche you wish to pursue and secondly, follow the advice of a proven and successful marketer that will show you how to make money in your chosen niche.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

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You may not realize it, but there is a very high incidence of failures within affiliate marketing. If you are an affiliate marketer or are considering becoming one, you need to step back for a moment and try to analyse what it is that successful affiliate marketers are doing. One way to do that is to consider things that do not work when it comes to affiliate marketing. I have listed what I consider to be the top 5 mistakes people make.
1.Choosing the wrong market. If people are already spending money within a certain niche, then it will be easier to make sales in that niche. Researching the various markets is probably one of the most important steps before launching your website. Choosing the wrong market to start an affiliate business is a sure fire way to affiliate marketing failure Incredible as it may seem, niche markets such as weight loss or diet, golf, work at home, health, and many others appear to always have room for another website and never seem to reach a saturation point. Affiliate programs chosen within these types of niches will generally mean success.
2.Trying to run before you can walk. Make sure you have one website up and running profitably before starting another. This is a very common mistake many affiliate marketers make and they end up jumping around from one website to another and struggle to make money in any of them.
3. Not focusing on a specific product. There are many affiliate websites that have so many products on them that they never make a sale. Initially you are far better off to focus on one product and create a profit from it before adding more products.
4. Using the website provided for you by an affiliate merchant. There are many different reasons for this, but the main one is you are not going to differentiate yourself from your competition when you use the same website as everyone else. If you do use a website provided for you, make sure that you are able to make changes to it yourself to make it unique.

5. Not using lead capture pages and sign-up forms is another common mistake many affiliate marketers make. Successful affiliate marketers realize the importance of building a list for marketing to in the future, this is true regardless of the niche that they are in. Having an email marketing list is probably, aside from your website, your biggest asset and one which you can continue to tap into for many years to come. Therefore you need to build a list as large as possible contacting your subscribers regularly for them to get to know and trust you before you expect them to purchase from you.
If you truly want to be successful in affiliate marketing, follow these five tips and watch your affiliate business grow.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Blog Advertising

Why should someone monetize his or her blog? The best answer will probably be: why not? Making money from your blog is not illegal or impossible. Not only can a blogger earn some cash through their effort, this is also a reward to the blogger. With those extra cash, it can also provide extra income stream for you to live a better life. To make money from blog, blog advertising would probably the way to go. However, not all advertising methods will provide equal result to your blog. The result depends highly on your choice of blog advertising method and the content of your blog.

Therefore, learning about how to choose the best blog advertising strategy will both promote your blog and maximize your potential of earning.

3 Blog Advertising Categories:

Here are 3 types of blog advertising categories you can choose from:

Pay-per-click/PPC: Advertising using PPC is probably the most basic form of blog advertising a blogger can use. Here is how it works: you put a PPC ad to your blog and, the advertiser will pay you every time a visitor clicks on their ad. As a blogger, the amount you receive on each click is different. It is depended on what kind of ad it is, the keyword value and who your advertiser is.

Pay-per-action/PPA: advertisers sometimes prefer PPA, as blogger will only get paid when their visitors perform certain actions. For example, a visitor needs to subscribe advertiser's newsletter, sign up for a membership site or response to a survey.

Pay-per-View/PPV: Blogger will get paid for each time an ad is shown on your blog and view by visitors. Doing PPV required some strategies to target the right audiences. But if you do it right, you can make a lot of money by implementing PPV.

How to choose the best web blog advertising method?

The three types of blog advertising method talked above can work with different types of ads. They include:

Contextual ads: The content of contextual ads that will be shown is based on what your blog content is all about. Therefore, the key to success in contextual ads is relevance. In other words, if your blog is talking about wedding and marriage, you will not expect to see any ad that is talking about automobile. If you decided to use contextual ads as your blog monetizing strategy, it is important that your blog should focus on specific topic and be updated frequently. A blog that focused on specific topic will drive targeted traffic, and show relevant ads.

Text link ads: Compare to contextual ads, text link ads will often be shorter then that of contextual ads in terms of text length. But text link ads are working the same way as contextual ads. Text link ad is shown based on the content of that page. If your blog content varies from page to page, it may be better to choose text link ads.

Affiliate ads: Unlike text link ads and contextual ads, affiliate ads provided bigger monetary return. Here is how it works: you are going to join a company's affiliate program and, when they accept your registration, you will use their promotion materials, like banners, and post it on your blog.

Therefore, if your blog is talking about topics that related to certain products or services, affiliate ads will provide great return to you. For example, if your blog is about health and fitness, you can place a link that promotes some health food program or eBook on diet. Visitors who see your content may be also interested in those products.

Direct ads

Direct ads work in a way that, blogger will work with advertisers directly and independently. Advertisers will go to find blogs that are both related to their products and services. Then they will contact to those bloggers directly, discussing about possible cooperation on promoting their product or service. At the same time, bloggers can also find advertisers and tell them that there are ads spaces available for advertising. To success in using direct ads, blogger should have a high traffic blog and strong niche market. Pricing and payment method are based on the agreements that blogger and advertiser negotiated.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Successful Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Advertising advertisingAdvertising advertising (Photo credit: Toban Black)The top success tip of writing the advertisement is to grab the viewer's attention as much as possible. You will discover and learn great tips and inside secrets on writing the successful advertisements in PPC. It is obviously that those tips will help you to write better or even highly successful advertisement in PPC online advertising.
1. Write to Your Targeted Audience.
The first step of writing the highly successful advertisement is to write your own advertisements directly to your targeted audience. With the better understanding in your market and audience, it is easier to write your advertisements directly to your targeted audience. It is obviously that your advertisements will not success if they can not lead directly to the targeted audience.
The real secrets of PPC online advertising are to: (1) identify the small group of people in the market and (2) research effectively and get better understand people in the market.
2. Address the Benefits Rather Than Features.

There is no doubt that you have to identify the benefits of your products or services, rather than the features of products. It has proven that benefits can lead you to sale, but features can not. It means benefits can sell your products to your potential customers whereas the features only tell your products to them!
The real secrets of PPC online advertising are to: (1) list down all possible benefits of your products and (2) emphasize your benefits into your advertisement.
3. Insert Your Niche Keywords into Your Advertisement.
Inserting your keywords into your advertisement is very powerful and attractive approach. It has proven that if you insert your keywords into the advertisement, the opportunities to increase the click through rate (or CTR) will be opened and grown. With those keywords, it is easier to grab the viewers' attention.
The real secrets of PPC online advertising are to: (1) insert your keywords into the first line of your advertisement in PPC and (2) insert those keywords as much as possible into the advertisement.
4. Include a Strong and Solid "Call to Action" Phrase.

Another powerful tip is to include a strong and solid "call to action" phrase into your advertisement. For example, you include: "Sign up", "Register now", and "Save on". Otherwise, the prohibited phrase could be: "Click here", "Visit here", "Come see" and "Press here".
The real secrets of PPC online advertising are to: (1) include your "call to action" phrase into your advertisement always and (2) do not include the prohibited phrase or break any PPC search engines' term and use of condition.
5. Use the relevancy display URLs.
It is great idea to include the relevancy display URLs into your advertisement. Obviously, the more relevancy display URLs are, the more opportunities for people to click on and visit are! You have to use the relevancy and active display URLs.
The real secrets of PPC online advertising are to: (1) embed your keywords into your URLs and (2) use the existing and workable URLs only.
6. Use Proper Grammar and Correct Spelling.
Obviously, you have to use the proper grammar and correct spelling in your advertisement. Without them, your advertisement will look non-professional advertisement.

The real secret of PPC online advertising in this tip is to ensure that your advertisements look professional. It is a great idea to review and ensure that you use the proper grammar and correct spelling before submitting your advertisement.
7. Ensure that Your Advertisement is Easy to Understand and Straight Forward.
The last tip to write the highly successful advertisement is to write your easy-to-understand advertisement. You have to keep your advertisement short, clear and direct to the point. You have a limited space to write your own advertisement. Thus, it is a great idea to keep your advertisement clear, complete and concise.
The real secrets of PPC online advertising are to: (1) get better understanding about the products or services you are trying to write ads and (2) keep your advertisements clear, complete and concise.
Finally, writing the highly successful advertisements is one of the most significant components for your online business in PPC online advertising. With the highly successful advertisements, the opportunities to increase the CTR in PPC online advertising will open and increase. The real secrets of writing the successful advertisements are: (1) write direct to your targeted audience (2) address the benefits of your products (3) insert your keywords in the first line of advertisement (4) insert a strong "call to action" phrase (5) use the relevancy display URLs (6) use the proper grammar and correct spelling and (7) keep your advertisements clear, complete and concise. Apart from these great tips, all you have to do next is to monitor, track and evaluate your advertisements for improvement in the future.

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Don' Forget Offline Advertising

yellow-pages-nzyellow-pages-nz (Photo credit: Doug Beckers)

Intensive marketing and advertising is the need of the hour for non-established online businesses. Today, merely advertising and marketing a business online isn't quite enough. Out of the box thinking is, most certainly, the best method to fight it out in the mega competitive world.
Aggressive online promotion is a good way to market your business venture. But online promotion, in some way or the other, is what nearly everyone does. To get noticed and make a mark, you've to think different, do different and be different. To be that one step ahead of your competitors, you'll need to adopt an entirely new method: advertise and market your business offline.

Offline advertising can go a long way in creating a brand factor as also substantially marketing a website. For one, you'll have a much larger base to target. The more people you introduce your website to, the more visitors are you likely to get. What more, you'll generate traffic from sources different than the ones your competitors tap. So in all likelihood, you'll have a huge target base at hand, with hardly anybody to compete with.
There are scores of methods you can put to use; there really is no end to creativity, is there?! Use some of the ones mentioned here or come up with concepts of your own to announce your online presence to the offline world.
  • BANNERS AND SIGN BOARDS: Put up banners in places where your target audience are regulars. Perhaps a super market you visit regularly, or a gym you frequent; a club, a sauna or a parlour. It can't get better if these happen to be places you visit often too. A good friend here and there and you might not even have to shell out much valued green bills!
  • CLASSIFIEDS AND YELLOW PAGES: Book yourself space in yellow pages and classifieds. Come up with some good copy for your ad since there will be plenty others on the same page. The idea is to grab your audiences' attention and, at the same time, impress them with whatever little you get to say.  
  • PRESS RELEASES: Again, come up with a good press release that adequately covers your business, products and success story. Mention your website URL and keep it as simple as possible. Take care not to come up with run-of-the-mill stuff as nobody's gonna bother reading it.  
  • SPONSOR EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS: You've a steady business and the one thing you need is public awareness with regards to it. One good way to do this would be by sponsoring a couple of events or exhibitions that are expected to attract masses. As the title or associate sponsor, you're more than likely to grab people's attention.  

  • ANSWERING MACHINE AND CALL WAITING: Include your website address in the message on your answering machine. And set the same on your line holding and call waiting instead of a boring tune, jingle or message. When clients call, ask if they've access to the net and send them over to your website to have a hands-on experience. As added incentives, you can offer free consultation and/or discounts on orders placed through your website.   
  • OFFER DISCOUNTS, FREE STUFF AND OTHER GOODIES: Free coupons and discounts are a great way to engage your target audience. People may know zilch about your business but the prospect of tucking in some free goodies is sure to attract them to your website.  
  • STATIONERY: Use your website logo and URL every time you send e-mails or letters. Have corporate stationery printed. Apart from looking professional, this will also give your recipient the chance to check out your website and get to know more about your business. Goes without saying that you're to have your website logo and URL on your business card too.  
  • PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: Purchase items such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, scribbling pads, attractive calendars, diaries or even cute stuff such as pens and pencils. Put on your logo and website URL and send them to people you know: relatives, friends, friends of friends, and even your clients. You could also send a box of goodies for festivals and other special events. Another good idea would be to print bookmarks with catchy or witty one liners, accompanied by your business logo and URL. Have these distributed in book stores, libraries, coffee shops and other such places. People who frequent these places are sure to take note of this unique method.  
  • CONDUCT FREE CLASSES/ SEMINARS: Spend time and organize a seminar or a series of classes on topics related to your business and its overall functioning. Make sure you select areas that will be of potential use to your target audience. People who enjoy and benefit from these classes are more than likely to tell others about your business and website. You can couple these classes or seminars with free demos of your products and services.  
  • PARTICIPATE IN LOCAL EVENTS: Participate and speak at local events in your city or town. People often recognize public speakers as experts in their fields. You'll hardly have to convince anyone with regards to your business or website once they revere you as an expert.
addit: I would like to thank Berry Beresford for her contribution to this entry.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blogging And Money

Blogging HeroesBlogging Heroes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Blogging is very popular nowadays. Many people are hooked on it. This is probably because it is fun to do. But do you know that you can also make money blogging? It is not just a hobby for some. It is also a means of earning income.
If you want to make money blogging, here is everything you need to know.
You can earn money several ways. You can earn from it using both direct and indirect methods.
Direct monetization. This uses methods where you earn directly from your own blog.
1. Offer ad spaces for advertisements in your blog. Ad spaces could be for banner advertising, textual advertising or text link ads. Banner advertising is an old form of advertisement where ads appear using a combination of photos and texts. Textual advertising uses only texts and links. Text link ads on the other hand are done by mentioning in your blog a product which is linked to the product's own website. You can get these advertisements by connecting with an advertising network or you can look for them yourself. You earn from these in three ways. You can earn on a CPC or cost per click arrangement. This means that you get paid for every click on an ad in your site. You can also earn on a cost per thousand arrangement. This means you earn based on the number of times an ad is displayed on your site. Lastly, you can earn on a CPA or a cost per acquisition arrangement. This means that you get a commission for every sale made.

2. Use your blog to promote your own product. If you have a product to sell, you can promote it in your blog so you don't have to pay others for carrying your ad. You can write your own promotional gimmicks exactly the way you want to.
3. Promote products for different companies in your blog. You can connect with business owners and write product reviews and promotions for them. The danger with this is that your readers might be turned off in the sense that they might question your honesty. Commissioned product reviews sometimes do not appear truthful since they are paid ads after all.
Indirect monetization. This uses methods where you earn because of the blogs that you write. You can make money blogging using these methods only after you have built a good reputation and you are already considered an expert in a certain area because of how you blog. When you write blogs and people read and believe what you write, you become an authority in that topic. Once you are considered an authority you can earn through the following.

1. Writing for other people. Some blog and website owners do not write their own blogs. They employ bloggers to write about a certain topic for them. Others get the services of bloggers to maintain their whole site.
2. Speaking in conferences. When you are considered an expert in a certain field, people may get you to speak about that field in conferences and summits. You become their resource person.
3. Writing books. Publishers may ask you to write books for them about your expertise. You earn from writing the book and you also get royalties from the sales of the book.
All these will help you make money blogging. You just have to remember that you have to be serious in this blogging business so will earn good rewards and have staying power.

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